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  2. Australian Feedbase Monitor (AFM)

Australian Feedbase Monitor Error: Non-Member

If you are not an MLA Member OR if your email address is not recognised as a member you will get an error as per the screenshot below:

MLA error

You can still access the tool by clicking the Subscribe Now button. This will take you to the Australian Feedbase Monitor website. 
The Australian Feedbase Monitor offers a 30-day free trial for new users that are not MLA members. After the 30 days you have the option to accept a subscription to the tool at a cost of $99/year (inc. GST). You will not be required to provide any payment details until the end of this 30-day free trial and only if you choose to accept a subscription.
If you need to rectify any MLA membership issues or apply to become an MLA member, you can do so during this 30-day period. Once your MLA membership has been approved this will automatically be updated in you Australian Feedbase Monitor account.
If you have any questions regarding your MLA Membership, please email membership@mla.com.au or call the MLA Helpdesk on 1800 865 255.